IMG 6754

➢ WILDERNESS FIRST AID AND CPR CERTIFICATION – Each Crew must present proof that one adult leader is currently certified in CPR and one adult leader is currently certified in Wilderness First Aid.
➢ BSA E-CERTIFICATIONS – The following trainings can be found at www.myscouting.org. Each Crew must present proof that at least one adult leader has training in each of the following:
o BSA Safety Afloat
o BSA Safe Swim Defense
o BSA Weather Hazards
➢ BSA YOUTH PROTECTION – All Adult Leaders must present proof of current Youth Protection Training. This training can be found at www.myscouting.org. 
➢ SWIMMING CLASSIFICATION RECORD - All participants (both youth and adult) must successfully complete the BSA Swimmers’ test here at our Lost Lake Camp supervised by our Life guards. This applies only to canoe/float treks, no need to do a swim check for hiking treks
➢ BSA HEALTH AND MEDICAL FORMS – All participants must submit complete and current (within 1 year) Medical Forms and meet Height/Weight Requirements.
➢ Copy of a submitted application for a TOUR AND ACTIVITY PLAN

alaska range


Crews will also be asked:
➢ If they have a complete and thorough FIRST AID KIT and WATER FILTERS  (we recommend MSR-Filters)
➢ If they have any SPECIAL DEPARTURE PLANS (Early Breakfast, etc.)


The premier Alaskan High Adventure outdoor experience for scouts. Backpacking, hiking, canoeing, fishing and more!

Thank you for your interest in the programs of the Northern Lights High Adventure Base. The Midnight Sun Council, Boy Scouts of America, based in Fairbanks, Alaska, operates the Base.

The mission of the Base is to provide a remote outdoor experience to youth and adults within the Scouting program.

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